Tamil Nadu Cooperation Minister Sellur K Raju's son who suffered major injuries in accident passed away yesterday. Tamizhami(27),a B-com graduate was admitted in the Apollo hospital last night after he sustained major head injuries when he lost control of his vehicle failing to notice the speed breaker near Madras high court. Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, Revenue Minister K A Sengottaiyan, Electricity Natham R Viswanathan, Chennai Mayor Saidai Duraisamy and several MLAs showed their concern to Raju.
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» Minister's son killed in road accident
Minister's son killed in road accident
Written By chennaitelugupeople on Tuesday, 26 June 2012 | 11:31
Tamil Nadu Cooperation Minister Sellur K Raju's son who suffered major injuries in accident passed away yesterday. Tamizhami(27),a B-com graduate was admitted in the Apollo hospital last night after he sustained major head injuries when he lost control of his vehicle failing to notice the speed breaker near Madras high court. Chief Minister J Jayalalithaa, Revenue Minister K A Sengottaiyan, Electricity Natham R Viswanathan, Chennai Mayor Saidai Duraisamy and several MLAs showed their concern to Raju.